Title: Out of the Blue!
Author: WhaleyF
Category: MA MT
Disclaimer: I don't own them CC and Fox do.
Author's Note: Written for the Mulder's Refuge Golden
Gurney Challenge. April, 2004. Act of God theme.
Category: MA MT
Strolling outside of the federal building Mulder frowned.
Someone else was in his favorite spot. That was HIS spot.
And he wasn't a happy camper finding someone in HIS spot.
Scully caught up with her partner and was surprised to find him,
shifting from foot to foot, pouting.
"Uh, Mulder? Maybe you should have gone before we came
out here to eat lunch." Startled, Mulder looked at his partner.
"Scuullyyy," it sounded like he was whining, even to his own ears.
"I DON'T have to go." He made a face at her. "Look at that guy.
He's in my... uh... our spot. Make him go away Scully."
Scully bit back a chuckle as she looked at her partner.
Sometimes he seemed more like a little boy than a grown up
agent. "Mulder, why don't you make him move?"
Mulder gave her his classic puppy dog look. "You have a gun,
Scully. Shoot him."
Unable to hold it back, Scully giggled. She took Mulder by the
arm and propelled him over to the other side of the sidewalk
where they sat on the built-in bench along the walkway. Her grin
widened as she watched Mulder shooting daggers at the guy.
She handed her partner a sandwich, hoping it would take his
mind off the fact they weren't in their favorite spot.
As she handed the sandwich to Mulder she couldn't help but
notice it was beginning to get windy. Looking skyward she hoped
it wasn't going to rain. It had been raining all week and they were
both tired of being cooped up inside. Sadly, she could hear thunder
off in the distance.
Mulder was getting ready to voice the same thoughts to his partner
when they were both knocked suddenly to the ground. He hadn't
heard a thing, but now his ears were ringing and a tingling feeling
was going through his whole body. He opened sticky eyes and
looked for Scully. Finding her next to him he was relieved when she
reached out for his hand. His voice was thick, but couldn't hide his
excitement. "Scully! Was it aliens?"
Scully looked at Mulder with blood shot eyes. "Only you would think
that after being struck by lightning. Oh no!"
She had glanced over to where the guy had been sitting in their
spot. He was burnt to a crisp. Obviously the bolt of lighting had
given him a direct hit and she and Mulder were lucky to get by with
just getting knocked out for a few minutes.
Later that day the two agents were released from the hospital with
orders to take the next few days off. AD Skinner was with them; happy
to see his best agents were alive and well. He packed them both off
to their respective apartments, knowing full well they would probably
end up together before the night was over.
And he was right. Mulder and Scully spent the rest of the evening
arguing over whether or not it was really aliens or lighting that had
knocked them out.