Rated: G
Spoilers: Only William and my Alternate
Feedback: patfiler2016@outlook.com Makes a
great Christmas present for my Saviour's
birthday, even if there's no snow in Bethlehem in
Isreal, and we don't know the date from neither the
Hebrew nor Christian Calender.
Summary: William will never part with his favorite
Christmas ornament, as he says, at age seven.
Archive: Gossamer and The Nursery Files. If you
want it, just ask nicely.
Disclaimer: I do not own Mulder, Scully or William,
Margaret Scully, or the original series. Chris Carter,
1013 Productions and Fox Studios do. Anyone else
in the family is mine. "Mighty Machines", as far as I
know, is a TVOntario production. No copyright
infringement is intended, and no money is made by
See Author's Note at end.
DECEMBER 15, 2008
Seven-year-old William was watching TV with little
sister Meg one Saturday morning. A Canadian
children's show was running in syndication on PBS.
Scully made sure her children watched educational
programming as much as possible, even if her
first born was doing amazingly well at school. Third
grade already. The boy was amazed by the machines
and voice-overs on Mighty Machines. A bull dozer
was quite fascinating, and his parents knew it.
"Mom, I want one of those for Christmas," he pleaded
at snack time.
"Not a real one," his father told him.
"I KNOW, Daddy. But not a toy one either. Maybe one
I could put on our Christmas tree this year!"
Oh boy. His father had to think quickly. "Like a sewn
"No, Daddy."
"I'll see what I can come up with. Mom?"
"I have no idea. William, we need to think it over."
"Okay. But please, before we decorate the tree?"
"We'll see," his father replied. "I have a couple of
ideas. Enough television for both of you. Go play."
William asked if he could go skating with a friend, and
promised to return for lunch. Meg decided to try to
listen to some of Mandy's music.
"I need to do some thinking," Mulder decided. He sat
down at his father's old desk and started the computer.
"I'll get some coffee. What are you doing?"
"Maybe the Gunmen could be usefull somehow. Don't
worry, no tips on oddities."
"Gee, what a surprise!" Scully snickered.
"I'm just full of them", Mulder said smiling as he typed
"You woke us up, Dude." Byers was feeling nasty.
"Sorry, we had a two in the morning issue to put out.
What's up?"
"Well, William wants a bulldozer ornament for the tree,
but not exactly just a toy. It has to be special."
"Sorry, we can't help you out there. Frohike, she's his
now, so give it up pervert. Sorry, Mulder. You need
somebody else. Langly, you and your Ramones! Turn
the damn thing down! As I was saying, no can do, and
I have five-alarm chili burning here."
"Thanks anyway. I'll let you go." Mulder's coffee arrived,
he thanked Scully, and looked into his Rolodex.
"Any progress, Hon?"
"Not yet. Come to think of it, I know someone from school
who runs an acrylic factory. Maybe he can help me out.
Thanks for the coffee."
"Maybe. Need to run a laundry." She had to wonder what
the man was thinking, as she walked downstairs.
Mulder and former schoolmate had been in contact for
years, although the Agent never cared to attend the
reunions. He dialed the man's home number since it was
unlikely he was at work on a Saturday. "Dave?"
"Hey, bud. How's it going?"
"Quite well, working hard and raising the family now. Just
about to sell Dad's house, Scully and the kids are fine.
"Business is booming, the divorce is almost final. So,
I was just about to go out. Oh, Merry Christmas."
"The same to you. I need a favor. Can you put a kid's toy
inside an acrylic ball?"
"Hmm. Depending on the size. Why?" This puzzled the
"Get this, and don't laugh, but our son wants to put a toy
bulldozer on the Christmas tree."
"Okay, you buy a plastic one, about three inches and we
can do that. It will cost for shipping and handling."
"It's worth it. I'll send it off in three days. Please make it
as soon as possible, Dave. You know kids."
"Yeah, not that I have any, but I have three nephews. It's a
deal. Oh, and do yourself a favor by taking your wife and
yourself to the April reunion."
"Well, maybe. Gotta go."
"Hasta la vista." It was going to make his miracle son
sooooo happy.
When Scully returned, she found hubbie smiling. "Well?"
"Crazy, but bulldozer in ball ornament on the tree. All I
need to do is buy it, send it off, and within a week a
wish come true."
"Let's not spoil the kid, please."
"It's just making William happy." Yes his wife was a true
blue Navy Mom. Some things never change.
Sure enough, the package arrived and was well hidden.
The tree, to Scully's disdain a real one was up a week
before Christmas. She gently placed ornaments new and
old onto the tree, included a few Scully and personal
heirlooms on a Douglas fir, arranged garlands and, since
Mulder was ikely in the office until 5:30 that day, left the lights
up to him.
As for William's custom made ornament, good things
were well worth the wait.
4:05 PM
William wlked home from where the school bus had
dropped him off, running into the house expecting to see
the tree, and he did.
"Hi Mom, last day. The tree's up! Yay! Umm..."
"Umm what? Oh, I don't think I'm done here yet. I'll get you
some milk and a banana. There's more to do." A little white
lie couldn't hurt, she supposed. "I'm taking a break with you.
When your Dad gets home, he has to do the lights."
"Okay. Got homework anyway. May as well do it before
"Yes, no hurry. You do have two weeks, though. May I join
you for snack."
"Sure, Mom." Oh, the disappointed look on poor
William's face. "We were let out early today, Mom, since
it's the day before... " Scully could see her son was in the
beginning of a meltdown.
"Christmas, a time to be happy, William."
4:30 PM
Mulder walked through the door all smiles. "Out early for
Christmas Day." His right hand was behind his back for
a reason, and he set his briefcase down with his left. He
saw the tree. "Great job! Will, what's up?"
"Nothing." No expression at all.
"Hey, I have a remedy for the holiday blues." He slowly
approached the youngster, and gave him a small, wrapped
box. "It's this."
Will slowly opened the package and his face lit up like the
Christmas tree in New York City."
"Oh, I LOVE my Mighty Machine! Dad. Thanks!"
"See! Dads never break promises."
Author's Note: Written for a Nursery Files Challenge#84:
Pic Fic, Williams Favorite Ornament, Picture J.