Title: Keep Your Day Job, Mulder
Author: Pattie
Rated: PG
Spoilers: Any time around 1996.
Feedback: patfiler2016@outlook.com
Summary: He may love basketball, but Mulder
finds out he would never be a famous b-ball
player. See Author's Note at end.
Archive: Gossamer. Anyone else please ask nicely.
Disclaimers: All original characters are owned by
Chris Carter, Ten Thirteen Productions, and Fox
Studios. Others are ALL MINE. I doubt aliens play
basketball. Too busy calling home or reporting to
their mothership. Maybe they even lie, too. They
are not feature players in this story. Or are they?
Carter owns them. Mary Poppins was produced by
Robert Stevens and Walt Disney Studios owns the
Monday morning, just as Fox Mulder reached the
front desk to pick up a piece of personal mail, he
overheard a few of the male agents, one whose
voice he recognized, talking about Saturday's
basketball game at the YMCA. Reese Allen.
"He may love the game, but honestly, never in the
pros," Allen declared. "I was there. Every weekend
I see it. Can't even do defense."
"Really?" One of the others asked. "Are you coach,
ever done the pros?" Russ Morgan for the defense.
"No. But let's get together next week if anyone else
wants to."
*Gee, thanks, Russ.*
Mulder tried to ignore the remark, but it was only a
game to keep fit, he figured. He decided to take the
stairs to the office before Scully arrived, but she was
already working on the remainder of their last case.
"Early, Scully?" What a surprise."
"It may surprise you, Mulder, but I can be earlier than
you. Just tying up loose ends in the so-called ghost
case from Galveston."
"Good. Thankfully, no ghost. Just a fraternity prank. Oh,
guess what? I might have an ally in the building."
Scully smirked. "Gee, I thought I was your only ally."
"Seriously, Morgan from records stood up for me.
Reese Allen critisized my pick-up game from
Saturday, saying I couldn't be a pro."
"I can back you up on some things, like baseball,
but are you being a wuzzy?" Her eyes were
"No. I only play as a hobby and a way to keep fit,
besides running, Scully. Should I call for a
She turned a page. "Boys will be boys. Really, if
you don't want to grow up, go ahead and do it. I
can be a cheerleader."
At least he was finally smiling. "Yes, you in a skimpy
"No. Let's just finish up this case and see what comes
next. Skinner said he had something coming our way
besides sightings and aliens."
Mulder straightened his tie and sat. "Yes, Mummy."
This called for his best pout.
"Trying out for the Actor's Guild?"
Saved by the phone.
"Mulder. Yes Sir, just wrapping it up. Give us a half
hour." Mulder was back to work printing out the
remaining details of the case. "Skinner has another
assignment out of town."
"I was hoping for a break, just finished unpacking. I'm
done. I can wait for the printer. Cheerleader, really?"
Just a silent smile from Mulder.
9:30 A.M.
The two agents had returned to the office with their new
assignment, and Mulder was grinning from ear to ear.
"This is great, Scully. Chicago Bulls game, free tickets
and I can prove them wrong!"
"You may be tall enough to do it, Mulder, but this is strictly
undercover business. 'Mulder' is NOT another name for
'Scottie Pippin', never mind Mary Poppins."
"I get it. I'm a Knicks fan and you know it. I also know full
well Scottie Pippin just retired. Don't get me wrong,
Scully, but wearing a Bulls jersey seems a bit oddly
"Mulder, you are used to oddities."
"Love them. Not this. This is, though, a wonderful
"Let's go pack, Mulder. We're due there by five, and the
coach is in danger. Don't bother bragging to the others.
Just lunch, then leave."
"Mean woman." Mulder grabbed his coat, briefcase and
held the office door. "I'll get even and prove some people
wrong. My coach is Phil Jackson, and Luke Longley is
going to be side-lined, excuse being injured list, but not
really. Not only am I on duty, I play tonight."
"Your ego is something else, partner. I do hope they win."
"Maybe they will, partner."
"I'll be sitting in the stands, no dressing up. No playing
Special Agent 'Cheerleader'."
"Darn." Hopefully, the members of the rumor mill had
better things to do, and Skinner promised not a word
would be said to blow their covers.
5:00 P.M.
The plane touched down in time, and Mulder and Scully
found hotel rooms, luckily in time for them to eat and rush
to the stadium. Mulder had to be briefed on his role, the
roster, meet the coach and get a seat with a good view.
By 6:30, Mulder had met the team and Coach Jackson,
and the team had practiced and warmed up. 8:00 was
game time. Jackson knew a threat had been issued. No,
he did not appear scared, and knew Scully was armed
and the Chicago P.D. and Bureau placed in the stands.
8:05 P.M.
The National Anthem was playing and Mulder shot a
high five to Scully. She smiled back with a thumbs up
and had already met the officers and agents and knew
where they were posted. The photos had been handed
out as well. No suspect had been seen so far.
*Concentrate on work, not Mulder,* she reminded herself.
*Look a few times.*
"Wife?" a team member inquired.
"My biggest fan."
"Never heard of you, but we know what's up. Just do your
best. My name is Jackson. Time to play."
Actually, things went quite well for the Bulls, Mulder did
manage a few good shots, then was benched for a break.
He managed a glance at Scully and the others, the
occasional nod, but then back to the court.
After forty-five minutes, a man appeared balaclava clad
from the stands. A blond Chicago agent motioned to two
policemen and two other agents, as well as Scully.
The man had a gun, and Mulder hadn't even noticed. He
was busily trying to beat the opposing team. Even the
coach had to take him aside to remind him he was doing
double duty, while the perpetrator was captured.
After the game was over, and Chicago won, the coach
sat down with Mulder in the locker room. "You're okay
as an amateur, Agent. Maybe a little work, but age isn't
on any athlete's side. You can come any time for free with
your partner."
Mulder didn't have the heart explain his preferred team to
the man. "Thanks, I appreciate that, and it was a
pleasure, Mr. Jackson."
"Okay, showers and maybe post party game with the
"I'll pass, but thanks. My partner and I have to debrief with
the others, then rest. Early morning flight back to
"Well then, any time. C'mon guys, wash up and party!"
Mulder and Scully touched down at Dulles and drove to their
respective apartments, leaving Skinner's answering machine
the message. They'd be at work by 9:00 if possible.
As Mulder reached his door, he picked up the morning paper
and unlocked the door. He flipped through the headlines
quickly, since he had already showered in Chicago, and sure
enough, there was a picture of him in uniform on the front
page of the Sports Section. *Better take a shortcut to the
office*, he thought. He was suited up, briefcase in hand,
when the phone rang. "Mulder. I'm on my way, Scully."
"Mulder, do I sound like Scully? Skinner. Oh, congratulations.
Not only did the team nab Elderman, you actually scored four
"Yeah, thank you Sir. As I said, I am on my way. We have the
report." He sipped his coffee.
"Oh, don't take the usual route into the building."
"I don't intend to. You should have heard a few of them
"Uh.huh. As one of our best agents, take my advice before
you hear it from the others."
"What's that, Sir?"
"Keep your day job, Mulder." Skinner was laughing.
Was amateur basketball star laughing? No.
Author's Note: Another story from the Title Challenge,
(Mulder Is NOT Another Name for Scottie Pippin.)
Scottie Maurice Pippen played for the Chicago Bulls
for much of his NBA career, standing 6'8" tall, and
scored very well with team-mate Michael Jordan.
He was one of twelve children, attended university,
but although Mulder attended university, he is not
Scottie Pippin. He's just a criminal profiler who looks
for strange things and loves to play and watch the
Knicks do what he wishes he could, besides finding
his lost sister. Right?
By the way, Pippin's jersey was retired in the 1990s.
The coach is real, too.