Title: After All This Time?
Author: Pattie
Rated: G
Spoiler(s): Mulder and Scully
Summary: It's 2016, I went out of sight for a while,
and now I'm getting bugged, both of them
surrounding me after moving, but no fooling with
my new laptop! I mean it!
Feedback: patfiler2016@outlook.com
Archive: Gossamer. If you want it, just ask politely.
Disclaimers: These apparitions own each other.
Chris Carter, 1013 Productions and Fox Studios
own the characters and the show.
Lovely fall evening, first day of autumn. Now,
down to brass tacks. Plenty of awesome ideas!
Aww, again? I smell the leather jacket and a very
familiar woman's fragrance.
No touching the keys Mulder!
"You're back at it again. Okay. A huge family?"
Yes, because your creator didn't want you happy,
had writers put the two of you in a six episode
revival. At least you were tortured. Got that part
right, at least, right Scully?"
"Uh huh, now she wants to torture us again, AND
wear us out with a lot of kids, work, and even if
I like housework, way too big a house, and the darn
laundry! I'm with you part time at the Hoover, and
tired all the time!"
"Don't blame me. It's HER!"
Hey, you wanted children. I gave you children.
You make good money, too. Want one of them
with appendicitis, maybe you, maybe Mulder?
"Hey, it's enough we're happy and back in the
Not so loud, G-Man. I live with other people now.
Let me think: Major drug bust goof up with 34
broken bones, I forget to help you rid Earth of
every alien and you're in the torture chair so
"Stop!" She's hissing. "We have a great, happy
family and YOU gave us that."
Then stop nagging me now. Get Darkstryder,
Lara, Peach or another newcomer. I'm busy
with you and the kids."
Mulder almost unplugged my laptop. Hah!
Evasive measures work well for me.
"Darn, Scully. Missed again. Has she
drugged me again? Check for puncture
"Later. remember we are on *prod* duty
now. Didn't your read the way that woman
has been encouraging newer writers to do
the most horrific things to us."
It's rather enjoyable, I must admit. You two
are famous. We're keeping you that way.
Admit it. Isn't that why you got the pokey
sticks and the gang together in one of my
"Okay, I admit it. You're keeping us in
the picture."
Gee, is he flattering me or what?
Oooh, look at Scully's scathing regard
to me. "Remember, in your little fic
life, we can read minds. Our creater
and his writers gave us that with the
Just keeping you alive and kicking, that's
all. You love it, much as we love to see
you endangered, we bring you back
pretty much safe and sound.
"Oh yeah, and somebody has me a lot
older and in arthritic pain for it."
Golly, Mulder, a mere hobby, labor of love
has you feeling sorry for yourself. Since
this is election year in the States, maybe
a few days with Trump's campaign...
No shouting, I told you. I live with others
these days. Oh, another thing, at least
I follow the 'Big No No' rule in fic land.
Have not killed you yet.
Scully, calm down. Your kids at any age
are sleeping or studying, C.G.B. Spender
just fell asleep, and 'X' is reading a story
to four hybrids. After all this time, I have
decided, along with others to bring you
into the picture. Have you heard any-
thing about Chris Carter planning something
else lately?
"Maybe, maybe not," Mulder's getting
nasty. "Can't say. Privacy."
Well then, give me some. I'm getting
some ideas.
Hey! Don't... Great way to scare them off!
We're not finished with them yet. With all
those seasons, the movies, six more
episodes, we can go back in time and
do anything! Even in 2016.