Pattie's Pocketful of X-Fics

Where in the World is Dana Scully?

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.Where In The World Is Dana Scully?

Author: Pattie

Rated: PG-13

Category: UST, MT, Story.

Spoiler(s): Season 2.

Summary: It's early in their partnership, Mulder thinks

Scully is missing, and he meets with misadventure.

Feedback: I would love to hear from anyone who has good

or critical feedback at:

Archive: Gossamer.Others should ask me via email.

Disclaimer: They don't even resemble anyone from my

parents' families, so they're not mine. No money comes in

when I write these stories, and Chris Carter, Ten Thirteen

Productions and Fox Studios have The X-Files and its

characters under copyright. I can still go out and play with

them... my kids said so. They told me not to be a bully, so

don't tell 'em I'm having anyone injured. (Shh!!!)

Author's Note: Written for another Mulder's Refuge

Challenge suggestion: One Of Our Agents Is Missing.




JULY 18, 1994

8:30 AM

As usual, Mulder was in the office early Monday morning, ready

to tackle the demons -- make that the criminals -- that beset

the American public. He had been in the office since 7:30,

actually. It had been far too hot in his apartment to sleep,

and it had been a hot weekend. Now the basement office, while

at times smelly and dank, offered air-conditioned comfort.

However, he wouldn't dare be caught sleeping on the job. He

had a partner to deal with.

By the time 8:30 rolled around, Mulder instinctively looked

up from his desk anticipating that Scully would come in right

on time, put her briefcase on the desk, and sip her coffee.

This morning, that didn't happen. It didn't happen at 8:30,

8:45, or 9:00. Why not?

Half of the city seemed to be on vacation during the hot spell

that July, and half of the Hoover Building seemed to be off

work as well. When he finally reached someone upstairs who

would even remotely know where staff were, he inquired about

Agent Scully.

"Well, I seem to have a note here somewhere," a female voice

responded over the phone. "I can't read this stupid short-

form Gloria made up, but I think it says Agent Scully booked

time off for the week."

"I didn't hear her say anything about that on Friday," Mulder

stated. "Did she say where she was going?"

"I can't read this chicken scratch, Agent Mulder. I'm sorry,

but Gloria Smith usually takes these things down, and she's

gone for two weeks. I can ask around, but I don't think

anyone would know. Agent Scully's rather private, if you know

what I mean."

"Yeah, I do. She can be that way," Mulder agreed. "I guess."

He wasn't convinced his partner wouldn't tell him about taking

time off. Things were slow these days at work, and calls were

down in number, but still... "Let me know if you hear


"Yes, Sir."

So many bizarre things had happened in the past year they'd

been working together. Didn't they have an understanding that

they would let each other know where they were? Well, he had

ditched her a few times. Still, wouldn't she let him know she

was going on vacation? Well, maybe not, if the time had been

offered to her at the last minute and her mind was on things

other than work. Even so, they had made a lot of headway where

certain territory was concerned regarding Mulder's informants

and there were untold risks for her now that she was his


Mulder called A.D. Skinner's direct line. "This is A.D.

Skinner. I'll be on vacation from Monday, July 18 until... "

Well, it looked like he wasn't going to get much information

at work. Surely Scully would tell her FBI partner if she was

taking a vacation, and where she could be reached.

Maybe not, since she had chewed him out last Thursday for

reading her day planner. And she had been rather stiff with

him on Friday. They had just seemed to go through the day

typing reports and answering phone calls. One abrupt "Have

a good weekend, Mulder," and she was out of the building at

quitting time.

By 9:15, Mulder decided he had better get some work done, and

wait for someone to call about Scully. The emails and memos

needed going over, and there was a repair requisition to fill

out. A light had burned out above the filing cabinets.

That was all done by 11:25, and where the heck was Scully?

Couldn't she at least call from sunny Kokomo or wherever the

hell she'd gone? Well, there was always her mother's place.

"Scully residence."

"Hi, Margaret. It's Fox Mulder. Um, I don't even know if I

should be calling you, but... "

"What's wrong? It's Dana, isn't it?" Mrs. Scully knew the

inherent dangers FBI agents encountered, and she sounded


"No. I was just wondering if you'd heard from her. She seems

to have gone on vacation, and we didn't part on the best of


"Oh, thank God. At least she's safe. She called me yesterday

after church and seemed all right, and she did tell me

she was taking some time for herself. I'm sure she's okay."

"Well, maybe I'm worrying about nothing. Sorry to bother you."

"No problem, Fox. I'm certain she'll call at least one of us

before the week's out. Or maybe not. You know her: Very


"Yes. Thanks. Maybe I should just get back to work. Maybe I

need some time away from the office as well. 'Bye." Yes. Maybe

that was what he needed. Maybe he was jealous that Scully and

Skinner were taking time off and he was at work, but

workaholics are dedicated to their addiction, aren't they? And

that's when it hit him: Things were slow at the Hoover, he had

accumulated a lot of vacation time, and perhaps a break from

the office and Scully was what he needed.

After that thought passed, Mulder came to a compromise of

sorts: He needed time away from the Hoover and should find

out where Scully was. In case anything cropped up. Maybe

to apologize to her for last week's indiscretion. Any hint

as to loneliness would have been met with denial if he were

to be confronted on that matter.

He dialed her cell number. The party was "unavailable at this


Next, Mulder tried Scully's home phone. "Hi, you've reached

Dana Scully. I can't come to the phone right now, but... "

"Scully, it's Mulder. Please give me a call. I'd like to

apologize for what I did last week. You can reach me on my

cell. Have a good time. I'm booking off for a while myself,

so... It's great to get away, isn't it?"

Well, how about that? It was lunch time already. Mulder

decided to book the rest of the week off for vacation time

and locked up the office.




12:15 PM

Special Agent Scully had left that part of herself at home for

a while, and Dana Scully was having the time of her life. Sure,

the bus ride to The Big Apple had been boring, but the scenery

was gorgeous, and there had been no long line up at the

airport and fussing with the baggage check.

She walked into her hotel room with a couple of bags of new

clothing, and set them down on her bed. She had deserved to

treat herself to a shopping expedition, and decided that lunch

at a nice, air-conditioned bistro would be just the thing to

refresh her before heading back out to buy something for her


She remembered speaking to her mother the previous night.

"Maybe I should have told her where I was going, just in case,"

she told herself. "But then Mulder might get her to slip up

and tell him where I was going, and he'd have some weird thing

to investigate and ask my professional opinion. I'm glad I

turned off my cell phone. What the heck. I'm going to lunch,

and I can call my mother later."




1:31 PM

With a sandwich in one hand, and the phone in the other,

Mulder called the airport. "You're sure no one meeting her

description booked a flight in the past two days? Okay. Thanks

Al, I owe you one." The train station didn't have any

information about his partner either, and as far as her

superintendent was concerned, her car was still parked in her

usual spot, but she had left in a taxi. The car rental

companies had not served anyone fitting Scully's description


His call to the Washington bus station yielded the information

he was looking for: One Dana Scully had taken the scenic route

to New York City, or anywhere between Washington and New York





5:15 PM

Scully had returned from a full afternoon of sight seeing and

shopping, and kicked off her shoes. She was tired and happy.

Well, this called for dinner via room service, writing a

couple of postcards and a nice, hot bath. Should she write a

postcard to Mulder? Nah. He wouldn't expect that kind of thing




6:12 PM

Seeing America by bus: Wasn't that supposed to be beautiful

experience this time of year? The Greyhound was running at half

capacity tonight, and Mulder hadn't counted on a sudden rash of

summer thunderstorms to hit while he was on the road.

He didn't see farm yards and flowers. He saw thunderheads and

sheets of rain assaulting the windows, yellow and orange

lightning off in the distance, and his fellow passengers

sweating because the air-conditioning had failed. The next

stop-over would be about an hour away. He just had to pick

a seat in the middle of the bus.

A kid had been bus sick and had not made it to the cubicle at

the back of the bus.

Well, maybe Scully would be in the next big city, and he could

get off of this damn steamy cracker box.

In the back seat sat a scruffy man in his mid-thirties,

patting a little bundle in his back pack and holding a

revolver under a navy blue, light weight wind breaker.

Two rows ahead of Mulder was a very pregnant woman who was

very uncomfortable in the hot, steamy bus. She was also very

far along in labor, but said nothing. At the age of fifteen,

she was a very naive girl who thought she could deliver the

baby herself and that it wasn't such a big deal. No nagging

parents, her doctor wasn't around to nag her about adoption,

and her boy friend was now a long lost memory. Or was he? She

felt a strong contraction and clutched her abdomen, trying

not to make a sound.

The man with back pack and gun? He sat back watching the

storm and looking like the cat who had swallowed the canary,

as he patted that little bundle again.


7:15 PM

All the comforts of home, and all the entertainment one could

possibly want in one city. Here was Scully sitting in the tub

covered in clouds of bubbles. She was going out to dinner

at eight, maybe a play, and then there was that postcard

she wanted to send her mother.

She looked at her watch, which was just on a stool beside the

tub, and decided it was time to dress. She felt almost guilty,

maybe almost naughty, about being on vacation and pampering

herself so much. But then, she had been working hard, it was

summer, and it was healthy to get away from it all sometime.

Then she remembered Mulder.

"Leave him alone," she told herself. "He's a big boy up to his

ears in what he likes best -- X-Files." She smiled. Then she

thought that was something to feel guilty about. She could have

at least forgiven him before she left!

She dialed his home first. "Fox Mulder. Leave a message." Not

home. Then, she tried the office. No reply. Well, she decided

he was probably out with 'the boys' or running, so she dressed

for dinner and left the hotel. She thought if anything

important regarding work did come up, her cell phone was on,

but so was her evening.




7:35 PM

The bus had broken down just nine minutes outside of Philadel-

phia, and everyone was miserable, hot and tired. They were out

almost in the middle of nowhere, but the driver managed to

radio for a bus to pick up the passengers.

As for the pregnant young lady, she was now fully in labor and

let out a cry. The man at the back of the bus eyed her

carefully, and Mulder walked up to her side. "Is anything wrong,

Miss... ?"

"I'm having a baby, my name is Abbie, and it's coming!" she


Mulder shouted," Is there a doctor or a nurse on this bus?"

One woman came forward from three rows back. "I'm a nurse. I

know my employers won't think this my place, but I can help.

Let's get this seat tilted back a bit. How far along are you,


"Past due, and it hurts... AHHHH!"

"Okay. Let's just get you more comfortable. Take a deep, deep

breath and let it out slowly, and I'll find out how far

you have to go. Sir, can you help by timing her, please?"

"Yeah. Sure." What else did Mulder have to do? The bus driver

heard the commotion and radioed for an ambulance, but there

were delays as the thunderstorms had caused numerous accidents

in the area.

The young woman had another strong contraction. "UHHHHHH! OH

NO!" She was in tears and frightened.

"Two minutes," Mulder reported. "I'm Fox Mulder. You're... "

"Lois Frawley. We have a head about to crown. I'll need

something to wrap the baby in."

A young woman gave her a baby blanket. "My son's asleep, and

it's way too hot for him to have this. He hasn't even worn it


"Thank you," said Lois. "Breathe. We're not quite ready yet."

As the young girl breathed and listened to the nurse, the man

at the back of the bus moved forward and drew his gun. "She's

havin' my baby! Get outta the way, Mister!"

Mulder looked at him in disbelief. "She looks young enough to

BE your kid!

Abbie screamed in fury and pain. "Get the hell OUTTA HERE,


"I ain't goin' nowhere, Abbie. You an' me an' the baby got

money now, and we're gonna find ourselves a nice place to live

after this is all over."

"NO!!!" Abbie shouted. Her pains were becoming more painful

and more frequent.

Mulder held up his hands, stood, and said, "Fine. Just put

the gun down so that's not the first thing the baby sees."

"I ain't puttin' down the gun. You are sittin' back down, and

the rest of ya stay outta this."

The driver was being called by dispatch.

"Answer that! But don't say anythin' I'll haveta shoot ya for!"

The driver did as he was told, then made the announcement that

the bus sent to relieve them had been in an accident, so they

would have to wait for the ambulance. There was no telling

when it would arrive.

With the heat, humidity, rain, thunder, lightning, woman in

labor, not to mention the vomitus still near the washroom,

people were starting to panic.


"Listen up!" Drew shouted. "Y'all shut up and stay where you


"The baby's crowning," the nurse announced. "Now, breathe and

PUSH! That's it... push... push... Okay. Relax. We're almost

there." Lois reached for a first aid kit in her bag, and

opened it. She found Drew staring at her threateningly. "You

do want a safe delivery for your baby, am I right?"


"Then let me do my job, and yes, it does require scissors."

Mulder sat down in his seat and closed his eyes, taking a deep

breath himself. The cell phone. He hadn't thought of it until

now, but just maybe Scully had hers back on. It was a chance

he had to take. "Uh, Drew? I hate to interrupt, but I need to

use the... "

"Go ahead. But no tricks!"

"Of course not." Mulder shut the door to the washroom and

pressed speed dial for Scully.

Scully was at a revival of Peter Pan. "Scully."

"Scully, where are you?" he whispered.

"Mulder, I'm on vacation in New York. What's happening?"

"I'm on a bus outside of Philly, there's a man with a gun, a

baby on the way, and I can't say I'm not happy to hear your

voice. Gotta go. Call the Philly Bureau for me." He shut off

his phone so it wouldn't ring in this Drew character's


Scully left the theatre immediately and made a call to the

Field Office in Philadelphia.

Drew, meanwhile, banged on the washroom door. "What are you

doin' in there?"

"Whaddaya think?" Mulder pulled the door open abruptly and

pulled his gun. "Federal Agent! Freeze!" Before he could get

a bead on the man, Drew hit him over the head with his gun.

"PUSH!" Nurse Lois cut the baby's umbilical cord and wrapped

the newborn in the blanket. "Abbie, you have a daughter."

Abbie took the baby in her arms, smiling. "She's so beautiful.

Thank you for helping me."

"Well, now we have to deliver the placenta, so give me a

couple of pushes, then you can rest." Lois gave the baby to

the woman who had supplied the blanket.

Drew still had his gun, and approached Abbie. "We're gettin'

outta here, and it's just you, me and the baby."

The nurse shook her head.

"Don't shake yer head at me!"

"She can't travel. She needs stitches, and I don't have the

materials. Now, if you want to let her bleed to... "

By that time, several police cars and a couple of FBI agents

arrived at the scene, guns drawn.

"Throw your gun out here and come out with your hands up!" A

policeman shouted.

Drew knew he was at the end of the road.

"I ain't goin' nowhere on the run with you," Abbie said

weakly. "If you really love me and the baby, give yourself up.

Get out of this alive. And I know about your armed robbery.

Give it up. I'm tired of running and hiding."

Mulder regained consciousness just as Drew threw his gun out

the front door of the bus and surrendered.


JULY 20, 1994



11:17 AM

Scully sat beside Mulder's bed as the doctor examined him.

"Looks like you can be discharged today. You had a concussion,

but I think with a few days off and some rest, you'll be just

fine. I'm ordering another CAT scan just to make sure, and then

we'll see about sending you home."

"Great. Now I can take that vacation I was supposed to take,"

Mulder groaned.

"So much for New York, but I did all I wanted to do and saw

all I wanted to see."

"In one day? I'm sorry about that, Scully... I meant to tell

you I shouldn't have read that day planner."

"I did all I wanted to in one day. I was going to write a

postcard to my mother and head home, maybe paint the walls.

And maybe I would have called you when I got back home, just

to see if you were climbing the walls in the office. Why?"

"I thought something had happened to you. Okay, I know I told

you in the ER I was taking a bus trip, but I was worried

something had happened to you."

Scully laughed. "Well, at least you were instrumental in

having Drew Chambers arrested. Armed robbery, sex with a minor,

taking a bus full of passengers hostage. I'd say we both

solved that case, if only indirectly. Look on the bright side,

Mulder: You have another arrest under your belt."

"Well, not the way I'd usually solve a case. You deserve some

credit, too, Scully."

"Who? Me? I was on vacation."

"You took my call. I want to thank you for that."

"Of course I took your call. I might even forgive you for

reading my day planner." She smiled and left him with a

quizzical look on his face.


As Scully left his room to consult with the nurses, Mulder

realized he should have remembered his partner was fully

capable of taking care of herself. She had a safe vacation, and

would likely spend the rest of the week happily enjoying her time


He, on the other hand, wouldn't be running, playing basketball

or going out with the boys. It would be just him, his fish and

his TV. That was about all the excitement he wanted at the



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