Rated: G
Spoiler: Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose (small
reference). Sequel to "The Dog Whisperer".
Category: Post-Series, Post-Movies, AU,
Answer to a Title Generator Challenge.
Summary: William gets a dog. Sure isn't like
Queequeg. That's why somebody can't sleep. Oh,
what a sucker granting the guy's wish for a
Feedback: patfiler2016@outlook.com
Archive: Gossamer. Anyone else, please
ask. It is also going to be at The Nursery Files.
Disclaimer: All original characters and The
X-files are property of Chris Carter, 1013
Productions, and Fox Studios. No copyright
infringement intended. The other characters are
mine. I swear. Other writers inspired me as well.
Yes, Michelle Welton wrote a book about toy
poodles. Again, no copyright infringement
intended. Credit due to her and, I suppose,
my need to research. *I also quoted her from
her website.
The day finally came. One of William's wishes was
about to be granted. First, Mulder had taken him
to obedience school, pet stores, a few dog walk
parks, one of the veterinarian's offices, had him
purchase a leash, and Scully told him everything
about was she had to do for Queequeg, but most
certainly not about his former owner Clyde Bruckman
and the incident with Queegueg's sense about a woman's
murder by her son, Puppet. (See my story, "The Dog
*Oh no,* Mulder reminded himself, *Forgot to research
domestic canine personality types. Better buy a copy of
Michele Welton's book, 'Toy Poodle Temperament,
Personality,Behavior, Traits, and Characteristics*,
because that was William's wish, and it had become
9:30 A.M.
Mulder sat in the livingroom waiting patiently for his
firstborn, reading one of his mainstream files. He had
already fed the fish, the girls and little James were
sleeping in, and Scully was busily cooking for them.
Miracle son and Father had already eaten and showered.
All smiles, Will ran down the stairs. "Ready to go,
"Okay. Remember, this is YOUR responsibility. Take into
consideration you have university, too."
"No problem. I'm sure I can handle this. I want a male,
a good one, I promise to have him neutered and
vaccinated. Toy Poodle."
"Okay. I hope you did your research on breeds and their
personality traits."
Will smiled. "Naturally." Something in his eyes indicated
he was fudging the truth a bit. Had he really done all
that? Father had his doubts.
The man was a bit sceptical. Was he turning into Scully?
He had to wonder. "Well, let's get going to Callahan's and
see what they have. Let's kiss your Mom and get going."
As they did, he reminded Will, "After lunch, feed him and
take him for a walk. Stoop and scoop, bag and dispose in
the trash."
Callahan's was their first and last stop. Will fell in love
with a black toy poodle. Although the purebred and his
pedigree were rather costly, he had saved enough money doing
as much as he could to save for this day. As he was doing
quite well at university, with biology as his major, his
parents didn't mind.
*Oh swell,* Mulder thought on the drive home. At least the
dog was calm in his carrier, but he had to wonder how a
poodle could adjust to the house and a big family. *Didn't
Mom and Dad's neighbor have a yappy toy poodle?* That was
before Samantha had been taken. *Stop thinking about those
days. At least she's alive and working in Spain.*
Lunch seemed to go smoothly, the dog was calm and it seemed
he was curious about his new home. Samantha Ann and Meg
were behaving themselves, and James rather liked the dog.
"Remember, the lawn needs a haircut," Scully reminded her
husband. After all, it was overdue.
"Yes, Captain. Let's go, Will. After lunch.
As the two mowed the lawn, the dog looked on and
occasionally yapped, but father and son didn't really
"Will, you roll up the cord while I dump the last load
into the compost bin."
"Okay. Then I'll get Sailor a bowl of water. We need a
drink, too."
Mulder agreed. It was rather hot and humid. "Walk him
after, William, he may need it."
"Do I have to?"
"Do I want a yellow lawn?"
That afternoon, Mulder told everyone he was going to the
local hardware store, even though he hated lying. He had to
go to the nearest bookstore. Well, maybe he could buy a few
things for the house and hide the book.
Luckily enough, the book was still in print. He could read
it while William was out at the park with his friends. At
least they were trustworthy, as his parents made sure. They
were happy he was playing baseball, the girls were playing
with their friends, and little James was easy to handle.
As Scully was returning with the groceries, she found her
husband leafing through the poodle book in his easy chair,
no television on.
"Sorry, need some help?"
"No, I can manage. What are you reading?"
"I'm researching toy poodles. I need a break. I'll help
you with the food." He put the book where he believed
William would not find it. "Scully, I think our miracle
boy lied about having learned about Sailor. I'll take
the meat down to the freezer."
"Wait," Scully warned him, as she was stocking the
canned goods shelf. "Do you mean to tell me he didn't
read the "Dog Breeds of the World" book we gave him for
his birthday?"
"We can read it together after we put the food away."
Little James was busy building a farm with his Mega
Blocks, as Scully poured him a glass of juice. "Want a
"No thanks, Mom. Thanks for the juice. I gotta go to
the bathroom."
His mother smiled. "Okay. Remember, wash your hands."
James returned shortly and decided to tear down the
Mulder said, "All that work for nothing."
"Don't worry Daddy. I'm gonna make a castle."
"Go for it," his mother told him.
As he began his architectural project, Mulder pulled
out the book and motioned for Scully sit and read.
When she returned with the mugs and crackers for James,
she saw Mulder reading and frowning.
"Okay. What's the news?"
"I'm on a few pages about young children and toy
poodles. It does not look promising. This breed is
sensitive to the way kids are, the way they get
so excited over things, laugh, play."
"I see." She handed a cracker to James. "So William
is in for a disappointment."
"I'm afraid so. We'll see what happens overnight
and tomorrow." Mulder kept reading as Scully did.
" *Some Toy Poodles are such gentle souls they are
overwhelmed by the roughhousing and mischief of
small children, while others simply won't put up
with it.* Oh no, Mulder while they can be very
well trained, you know how Samantha Ann and Meg
can be."
"Yes, I do. He may be sleeping in his crate a
bit. Especially at night. If I have had any
idea what we could possibly be in for, I would
have redirected Will to another breed. I wish I
had done my research beforehand."
"Maybe gradual exposure," Scully replied.
"I don't know. As a profiler, I only studied
Human Psychology. If this doesn't work out,
we may need to adopt him out and try again. I
do not want to break our son's heart."
Everything seemed fine until supper time.
Sailor became rather excitable as the family
dined, and Mulder started to worry.
"Will, take the dog outside and leash him in
the backyard."
"Why? He's only yipping because of Meg and
Sammy Ann fussing... "
"Please, just do it so we can deal with
your sisters."
"Okay. He needs a walk now and I am done
"Thank you."
Scully cleared the table.
"Girls, this kind of dog need some time to
adjust. So can you please calm down a bit?"
Meg looked at the dog, then her father, "He's
so cute, Daddy." Meg. Personal spokesperson
for the girls.
"I know that, honey. But he needs some training
and time. He gets easily excited like you both do
on your birthdays."
"So please no fussing when Sailor is around."
"Okay," said Sammy Ann. I promise if Meg does."
Sammy Ann agreed.
Scully told them they could have a snack later if they
played nicely, so the girls went to their room.
Mandy was at work, and Alison was out on a date, so
their parents thought the evening would be quiet,
and it was.
As a test, William was allowed to have Sailor sleep
in his room. He sat beside his parents watching a
baseball game, and decided to go to bed early, about
9:30 after the late night walk.
The game ended at 10:30, so Mulder and Scully called it
a night with some love making and fell asleep snuggling.
Then it happened. Four teenagers drove down the street
with the CD player blasting so loudly it could have
shattered windows. Poodles have a keen sense of
hearing, and are sensitive to yelling and loud
music. 2:45 a.m.
Mulder and Scully were used to that. Sailor, however,
was not impressed and started yelping.
"Oh...no..." Mulder shook Scully out of sound dream
sleep. "Scully. I should have seen this coming."
"What? It's just those kids again. No, wait. It's
the dog!"
"I can't sleep through this. We have to crate the dog.
Work tomorrow."
"Go ahead, I guess. I'm going back to sleep."
"I'll put the dog in his crate and we'll deal with this
in the morning."
As Mulder opened his son's bedroom door, William was
trying as hard as he could to calm the dog.
"Will, I'm afraid we need to put the dog in his crate."
"But Dad..."
"No buts. Put him in his crate in the basement now, your
little sisters are crying and we will talk about this in
the morning. I need sleep, and I have to go to work
Reluctantly, Will carried Sailor to the basement. "I
love him."
"I know. Just do this for me, your sisters and yourself."
Mulder watched to ensure the dog was crated, then
returned to the master bedroom.
6:00 a.m.
Mulder and Scully showered and dressed for the day.
As Scully, Mandy and Alison made breakfast, Mulder placed
the book on the kitchen table. Meg and Samantha Ann had
lost some sleep, and so had Will.
"Mulder, you have some time, so maybe I can break the news
to Will. I doubt he slept well. Let him sleep in for half
an hour after you eat."
Mandy and Alison admitted they hadn't slept well either.
"I have to go to work tired because of a dog."
"Mandy, we will deal with it. Alison, could you please
pour the milk and get James up and dressed?"
After Mulder left for work, a groggy William filled his
dog's dish and brought him upstairs.
Scully had to be as gentle as she could.
"Will, remember to take a bag with you when you walk
Sailor. We need to talk."
"Okay. My favorite. Blueberry pancakes."
"Yes. When you come back, we will talk."
"Mom. What's with the book?"
"Just eat up and walk your poodle."
"Bye Mom."
"Have a good day, girls."
"Come on Mandy. The bus comes in five minutes."
"I know, sis. Boy, am I ever tired."
"It's okay," their mother said. I'll do the dishes."
An hour later, mother, son and dog, sat in the
livingroom, and had 'the talk.' Scully opened
the book regarding toy poodles. "I want you to
read this very carefully."
"Okay." As Will read through the pages and sipped
coffee, Scully gave James aa few toys. "I'm sorry,
Mom. I didn't read the other book you gave me.
Math was hard this year, but at least I passed."
"Yes, and we are very proud of you."
"Can we take him to obedience school?"
"Certainly, honey. If that doesn't work, he may need
a new home. I'm sorry. We can try. We need your dad's
input, though."
"Of course. Jimmy, don't throw that ball at my dog."
The youngest was easy to please, and decided to choose
another toy. "May I please have some juice, Mummy?"
"Coming up. Will, keep reading."
2:15 p.m.
Scully called Mulder at the office and he agreed to try
applying for obedience school, so it was off to the
school after checking out the Wahington listings on the
Will made the phone call, and it was off to the most
recommended obedience school.
Scully and Mulder reminded him the importance of being
consistent, as he was on summer break.
Again, Mulder was sleeping well until the yelping
incident. "1:18 and I can't sleep."
"Crate time," his groggy wife whispered.
"How long is this going to take?" Mulder was boiling.
"Calm down. Just do it. If it doesn't work, maybe
someone else may need a good watchdog."
"Yeah, right. And Skinner and Kersh are on my back."
"I'm tired too. Just be thankful we're not out of
town these days."
As Mulder staggered out of bed, he muttered,
"Frankly, I wish we were."
"Maybe Mandy and Alison can get some time off, look
after the others and we can rent a cottage."
"Great idea! Yeah, I know, get the dog."
"I'll ask the girls later." She dozed off as Mulder
took care of things.
That afternoon, Mulder told everyone he was going to the
local hardware store, even though he hated lying. He had to
go to the nearest bookstore. Well, maybe he could buy a few
things for the house and hide the book.
Luckily enough, the book was still in print. He could read
it while William was out at the park with his friends. At
least they were trustworthy, as his parents made sure. They
were happy he was playing baseball, the girls were playing
with their friends, and little James was easy to handle.
As Scully was returning with the groceries, she found her
husband leafing through the poodle book in his easy chair,
no television on.
"Sorry, need some help?"
"No, I can manage. What are you reading?"
"I'm researching toy poodles. I need a break. I'll help
you with the food." He put the book where he believed
William would not find it. "Scully, I think our miracle
boy lied about having learned about Sailor. I'll take
the meat down to the freezer."
"Wait," Scully warned him, as she was stocking the canned
goods shelf. "Do you mean to tell me he didn't read the
"Dog Breeds of the World" book we gave him for his
"We can read it together after we put the food away."
Little James was busy building a farm with his Mega
Blocks, as Scully poured him a glass of juice. "Want a
"No thanks, Mom. Thanks for the juice. I gotta go too
the bathroom."
His mother smiled. "Okay. Remember, wash your hands."
James returned shortly and continued his farm.
Mulder excused himself to the bathroom and Scully
read on. *I doubt this will work out*, she thought.
"Okay. After two drowsy days, I can't see this
working. We have to talk Will into making
some changes. There are other dogs out there."
"I know. As soon as possible because even the girls
want their sleep."
It was difficult convincing Will that Sailor was not
the right dog for the home. "Will, there are less
sensitive dog breeds out there. I read the book I
gave you for your birthday. Poodles can be great
guard dogs if they are well trained."
"I'll miss him"
"I understand that. But think of it, you can still
choose another dog, as long as you do your
research this time."
"I'll make us coffee, and you get the book out."
"All right. I need some time to walk Sailor before,
"Go ahead. But plese, do this for all of us. You lost
sleep, and so did your Dad and everyone else."
"Tell me about it. I guess we can cancel
obedience school."
"No, we still need to do that. Don't worry about it.
Now, walk him and spend some time with him. You'll
get you another dog. Dad agreed to that after
we talked this over earlier. It will take time."
"Okay. Then I will read the book."
"Thank you. Coffee will be waiting for us."
Will sadly walked his dog and told him he would miss
him, then tossed a chew toy around before returning
to the house.
As mother and son relaxed over coffee, Will asked,
"Do you think he'll miss me, Mom?"
"I'm sure he will. James seemed to like Sailor. He
sleeps through everything."
"Okay. Let's read the book together."
When Mulder returned from work that day he was very
As husband and wife went to bed, and beloved Sailor
slept in his crate, he kissed his wife lovingly and
whispered softly, "Sweet dreams."
"You too. Say, I'm not that tired yet. How about..."
"You bet."