Pattie's Pocketful of X-Fics

Very Nice People

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This poem I'm trying out could turn into a song if I get the time to find a keyboard or piano.  Until then, it remains a poem dedicated to people I meant no harm to on another site.
I was allowed back, by the way.

I was turned out by some very nice people
Standing alone like an old church steeple
But I'm  not the type to cry
Or even ask why
Folks can be so critical of folk like me.
I still value those very nice folks
Although I made some silly odd jokes
If you ever ask me why
I won't even cry
My fellow man are too eager to judge me.
So, if you kick me out of a loving pop site
I never think lower with all of my might
I just go on with a slight sigh
I'd even make pie
For my fellow man are too precious to me.

Dedicated to a very special person who is
not deserving of grief right now.

This  poem is my sole property and no one has my permission to use it for any other purpose than to read and remember that even I have faults, but never mean to harm anybody.