Pattie's Pocketful of X-Fics

Someday, Maybe a Normal Life...

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Post-Ep.  challenge story for the "Fate" site based on Humbug, requiring Cheerios, Scully's cross and Mulder's fish tank.

Rated: PG

Category: MSR, Post-Ep.

Feedback: Feed my soul.

Archive: Gossamer. Anywhere else please ask.

Feedback: Feed my soul.

After the pair of agents left the trailer park that housed the circus 'freak
show' performers, Mulder couldn't help but shake his head as he thought
of all he'd seen.

It was supposed to have been a simple murder investigation into the
killing of the Glazebrook man. Some things aren't simple, as he's known
for years. This case had just as much mystery and as many oddities as
any of the other cases he'd been investigating for years.

He grabbed a sunflower seed out of his pocket, shook his head again as he
threw the shell out the window.

"Mulder, are you going to shake your head all the way home? Because if you
are, I can't let you drive us to the airport."

"Hmm... ? Oh, sorry. Scully, I just couldn't believe some of the things I saw back

"Good. Now that we've got the role reversal thing worked out, you can do
autopsies and I'll think up some off-beat theories. In the meantime, I'd feel
safer if you kept your head straight so you won't get us killed." Scully gave him the
classic Scully glare. *He knows better than to
challenge me after the look* she figured.

Mulder took another sunflower seed, biting it open. He was still perplexed, and
about to shake his head.

"Shake your head and I'll shoot that right out from between your lips, Mulder. I mean

"Okay, okay." He kept to his end of the bargain for about fifteen minutes. Just as
he was about to shake his head again, he thought better of it, and decided to
share his thoughts. Just as soon as he could define them. "You ate a cricket,
Scully? You put it into your mouth! That's so un-girl..."

"It was an illusion, Mulder."

"How'd you... how did you DO it?" he stammered.

"Sorry. Professional secret. I did eat one when I was a little girl." A look of
disgust came over her face. "Well, I have to admit it didn't taste like Cheerios.
Bill dared me, he was bigger than me, so I did it. Hated it. When I learned the
trick to making someone think I'd done it, I did it to freak him out. Okay?"


"By the cross on my neck, Mulder. I have not eaten a single bug since
that day brother Bill dared me to. Why?"

"Bugs. They've just always freaked me out, that's all."

"I didn't hear any girlie scream, Mulder. I think you just want sympathy.
Anyway, the case is over, and we'll be back in Washington tonight."


Scully stared at her partner for the longest time, while he watched the
road, turning off onto another once every few miles.


"Just making sure. That's all. So, what else did you find freaky back there,

"That uh, that guy who eats everything in sight. Even big, raw fish... Oh no!"


"Forgot to change the water in the fish tank. It's been ages, Scully. I have to
keep a delicate balance with the pH, the nitrogen, the waste. Plus, the filter
needs replacement. All these road trips are getting too close together, lately."

"So, you don't have much of a normal life, either?" She scowled. "Now
you know how I feel. I don't even have anything resembling a routine, lately."

"Well, we could get married, give the fish to your Mom to babysit,
and... "

"No... Mulder... that's... that's okay. You just keep driving to that airport
and we'll be home tonight for the dear little ones."

"The fish?"

"Yup," she snorted. "Your babies, partner."

"Speaking of which, how could a man house his twin brother in his... "

"I haven't the slightest idea, Mulder."

He pulled the car to the shoulder of the road and turned off the engine.
As he slammed the door, Scully followed.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Scully ran after him angrily."We're going
to be late for the plane!"

He veered around sharply and grabbed her by the shoulder, shouting,
his eyes afire and his voice gravelly. "To hell with the plane. To hell with
the hurrying, Scully. I'm going to take you into the next town, wine and dine
you and..."

"And what?" Scully smiled a little, bewildered.

"And this!" He kissed her fiercely, then, much more tenderly, as she
allowed herself to fall into the kiss, returning it as if she was performing
a sacrament.

*Maybe some day I will have a normal life after all*, she supposed, as
she and Mulder returned to the car arm-in-arm. "Mulder, I don't think I
want to go home too soon."

List: Cheerios - yes

Scully's Cross - yes

Mulder's Fish Tank - yes
I told you there aren't mine. If they were, they'd be safe and sound raising a family, just like my Alternate Universe.