Rated: PG
Category: MSR, UST.
Spoilers: None.
Feedback: patfiler2016@outlook.com
Archive: Gossamer, your place, my place, any nice home.
Disclaimers: Chris Carter, 1013 Productions, and Fox Television
own the characters, basement office, desk, pencils, X-Files
Trademark. We own what we imagine they are and could be.
X-Files Office
J. Edgar Hoover Building,
FBI Headquarters,
Washington, D.C.
1:00 p.m.
Now here was one man who spent far too much time indoors. This
was a Saturday Afternoon, and here he was, working. Well, he'd
already done his weekly grocery shopping for orange juice, coffee,
sunflower seeds and household products. The morning jog was a
daily thing and went like clockwork. The coffee table and T.V.
were dusted last night, the fish tank was drained, re-filled,
conditioned and tested Wednesday night. There was a lull in
televised sports of any kind that interested him, so the big,
bored man sifted through old unsolved files as he usually did
when there was nothing else to do.
Saturday. Laundry? Last night, basement of apartment building.
Basketball? Favorite rec. center closed for repairs and other
periodic maintenance.
There were always files he had not been through. It seemed as if
there were more unsolved cases in this department than anywhere
else he had profiled at, or been an investigator for.
"Oh, yeah," he muttered to himself. "As if there really was a toad
invasion at a Minnesota school." The agent stood and stretched his
long, strong body and leaned back in the chair. Well, the next file
was quite enlightening. "Scientists finds link between male attrac-
tiveness to females in pheromones. Okay, so sniff me, I'm yours.
Hah! Oh, I love reading humor. As if any woman I have ever brought
my way has been here to smell me. I will stick to my morning shower,
thank you!"
"Yeah, I hope so! Mulder, what are you doing here on a nice
Saturday afternoon? We finished the travel receipts and meal
tabs Thursday. And yesterday, we were in meetings all day. What
is here for you to do?"
Well, she had to walk in as I was promising myself to continue
washing. "This and that. You know, looking through the loose-ends
department to find some unassigned piece of work until a really
weird report hits our desk."
"In other words, just hangin' around." Scully could sound like
a mother any day. Look, her hands were even on her hips. "Mulder,
you have no sense of fun, no appreciation for leisure time. What
would you do if they forced you to turn in your keycard Friday
"Borrow yours?"
"You know what I mean. If you had no way of being here, just
what would you do? I know you're a work-a-holic, but this is
beyond extreme."
"Well, I was reading some rather interesting information about
the way male pheromones can attract women... "
"The same can be said of female pheromones attracting men,
Mulder. But I think an attraction has to be there anyway."
The male batted his eyelashes. "Really? Well, umm... Say,
what's that smell?"
"A brain wasting away in a basement office," the female
whispered. "Go home."
"Why are you here?" His arms folded, and he leered at her.
Then he walked toward her to check out the male pheromone
theory. Could be proximity as well, but he thought he saw
her pupils dilate as he approached her.
"Well, to... oh, to tell you to go home. I thought
you might be here. I came down to get my daybook. What
are you doing?"
The male was sniffing her hair. "Not telling if you
don't know," he answered sheepishly. "Is there
something bothering you? Why the sudden stuttering.
"Uh, the daybook is on your desk, and if I could only..."
"Get away?" He edged ever closer, looking her over
carefully and slowly.
"Mmmmm. Forgot what I was going to say, there... if I
could only... only stop this... this... oh, no. I think
I should go. Really,have a nice shower... I mean daydrea...
good aftergl..."
"Face it, Scully, everytime we get near each other lately,
there IS something happening! It's like nothing else is
happening in the room."
"Yeah, it seems that way. So, when did you notice it
first, Mulder?"
"Just before you were abducted, I think. Three months
before. You?"
"The moment I shook your hand when I met you and
introduced myself."
"Funny, I hadn't had a shower that day. No hot water.
Sure could use a cold one right now..." He bent down to
kiss her. "And last New Year's Eve, I hadn't had one,
"The world didn't come to an end, did it?"
"No, it didn't. It began." His day was not a loss after
all. The Mulder Method. Research DOES pay off!