Rated: PG-13. (Those videos again... )
Category: Vignette, Humor, Angst, Myth Arc, sequel to the other
Vice Verses stories.
Spoilers: All that lead up to the end of Season 5.
Feedback: I would love to hear from anyone who has good or
critical feedback at: patfiler2016@outlook.com.
Archive: Gossamer. Others should ask me via
Author's Note: The ending surprised even me. Technically, it
could be a spoiler for the movie, "Fight The Future", but since
I had no idea how this would end while I was setting things up,
one could also think someone got there on time. That is also
the reason I have not set a date for the story.
2:15 AM
"No Smoking", the sign said. That didn't matter to the man
who had "access". He entered the building via the parking
garage door, basement level. As he headed toward the
X-Files Office, he threw down what was left of his cigarette
and lit another one.
At this time of night, no one would be here. Besides, he knew
that Fox Mulder and Dana Scully were both at home. It was time
to see what the dear boy and his partner had been up to lately,
without Skinner's help this time. That would prove somewhat
harmful to Skinner later, but then it was business as usual
for the Cigarette Smoking Man, as he had become known to
Mulder and Scully.
He had no problem unlocking the office door. Again, "Access".
The desk had actually been dusted! "Don't tell me you're
getting domestic on me, boy. Maybe the cleaning staff took
the opportunity since your desk is clear." Usually, there
were files, pencils, 'post-it' notes and sunflower seed
shells scattered over the top of the desk.
No matter. Old Smokey could always see the latest entries
with a flick of the computer switch. Just by opening the top
drawer of the desk, he was bound to find something of interest.
Perhaps a contact, a tip, a newspaper clipping. What was this?
A yellow legal pad paper, folded neatly and sitting on top of
some 8" by 11" envelope.
"Hmm. This might prove useful." As he unfolded the sheet of
paper, he felt no guilt, for this was just routine. Snooping?
Heck, no.
Actually, this was quite a humorous read, in his mind. "My dear
boy, you must have been tremendously bored the day you decided
to list your own vices. Most men are too busy pursuing those
very things." It was time to light up again. "Beautifully
packaged brain? Yes, Scully does have that. It was sent to keep
an eye on you. Well, we are dealing with her as well as you. Of
course, you already know that. News Year's Resolutions? At this
point, even if you did keep any of those, it wouldn't matter in
the long run, but this could be interesting."
This was going to be a good read. C.G.B. Spender made himself
comfortable in Mulder's chair.
" 'WILD GOOSE CHASES'. I take great pains to send you out on a
lot of those, and it's an art creating a few oddities that
you don't find on your own. The 'Flukeman' incident. We're
still all laughing over that one. There's a whole colo- but
never mind. Where was I? Heh heh. 'PARANORMAL INVESTIGATIONS'.
'Powers That Be' upstairs. You don't know the half of it, young
man. Yes, we love your interest in the paranormal. Takes the
strain off of us when you're going alien hunting, or tearing
around the country checking on our military bases."
Well, that cigarette was spent. Heck, he just stomped it out
on the floor and reached for another one. "RUNNING. Keeping
in shape is a vice? Okay. Personally, it's not one of my vices.
Oh, and those leg injuries, well they're not just on the job
hazards, they slow you down in your quest for 'The Truth'. Of
course, I'd never tell you that. And your 'WORK-RELATED INJURIES'
do buy us some time. You really are a smart boy, Fox, but it's
getting harder to keep ahead of you, and we can't have you
getting ahead of us now, can we? And I suppose any man with a
brain in his head would appreciate a young, beautiful partner
with a medical degree. I wonder just how much she 'attends' to
you? Hmm... Yeah."
C.G.B. looked at the 'I WANT TO BELIEVE' poster for a moment.
"Oh, believe it. Just don't interfere." He continued his
perusal of Mulder's self-admitted vices. " "RENTING THOSE
VIDEOS". Oh go ahead. Have a little fun while you can. The
real-life effort can have consequences... for all concerned.
As far as Scully is concerned, I'm sure she understands you
couldn't possibly pursue a relationship while you're on your
quest. Or while you're working here. As for 'UTTERING SEXUAL
INNUENDO TO SCULLY', well it's still a boy's club, isn't it?
Son, in my day, women were insulted if you didn't hint around.
Only uttering it to her? You must be blind. Why there have been
many women you've come across, and I'm sure you've been
attracted to them. What's wrong with you? Oh no. It's hit you."
Apparently, this train of thought had C.G.B. Spender perturbed.
He stared off into space for a moment. This could definitely
pose a problem: Now Fox was obsessed not only with his sister,
but with his partner. He made a mental note to have that dealt
with in some way. " 'DITCHING SAID PARTNER ON CASES'. Not only
is he overly protective of her, that leaves us ample opportunity
to intervene, if ever the need arises again... 'BUTTERED
POPCORN', well, so what."
He took a moment to rest his eyes and call one of his minions.
"Yes. I'm at the office right now. Make sure to have it wired
again by tomorrow night. Very good. I will expect that." As
he continued to read Mulder's list, there was a paragraph
that might come in handy some day, especially since there were
references to people Mulder may or may not be familiar with.
They were referred to only as 'They', but it had Spender
worried. The title was innocent enough:
When it comes to murderers, drug dealers and hostage takers, it's
a risk I'll take to do my job protecting the public. As for
my 'Unofficial' investigations... 'They', whoever 'they' are
know full well what 'they' are trying to get away with and what
'they' are doing when 'they' have US pursued. You could say
'they' caused the accidents. Shouldn't 'they' pay for damages?"
Spender pressed the speed dial on his cell again. "Better have
their apartments wired, as well. Yes, I'm afraid so. And DON'T
be careless!"
Damn, Mulder may be on to certain people in the
building. That was a risk The Consortium coulnd't afford at this
point in time. "PARANOIA? You're right. It isn't paranoia when
you know someone's watching you. Another bug sweep? Well, why
the hell don't we just keep replacing them, Mulder. I'm right
on it. We may as well put some cameras in your apartments and
a couple right here at Hoover's Haunt. As for your meeting with
"SHADY CHARACTERS IN THE DARK", they're both dead now.
Wonderwhy? I know why."
His cigarette was spent, and once again he lit another one. "So,
you'll find 'The Truth' one day, and all that goes with it? We'll
see about that. Perhaps the real 'Truth' is not what you might
want it to be, my boy. Indeed, you won't know what you've found
for a very long time... "
The old man leafed through a few folders in the file cabinets,
removing three or four, then lit up the trash can, with the self-
admitted vices acting as a torch set things off, and there were
many things that needed to be incinerated. The office would be
mere melted metal, concrete and ash very soon. As he made his
way out of the office, for just a second, he swore he could hear
Bill Mulder's voice: "I won't sign a deal with those bastards no
no matter what they threaten us with. There's a thing called
honor. That's the legacy I want to leave my son."
For a brief moment, there was a chilly guilty feeling running
through old C.G.B. Spender's body. He shook it off. "Work.
That's all I have now, my old friend."