Rated: PG-13. (Those videos that aren't Mulder's.)
Category: Vignette, Humor, Angst.
Spoilers: None. However, this is a sequel.
Feedback: Gratefully acknowledged, patfiler2016@outlook.com.
Archive: Gossamer. Anyone who wants my stories, just write to me.
Agent Mulder wasn't in the office when this incident occurred. If
he had been, he would have been narrating a slightly different
account of the situation.
5:35 PM
Damn! Walter Skinner had left that phone bill he was about to mail
in Mulder's office. Since Mulder and Scully had not called him about
it, and had left for the day, he ventured into the X-Files Office
to retrieve that check and get it off to the mailbox.
The cleaning staff had begun their rounds, so he had been able to
gain entry when they were in the basement. Now, where was that
envelope? Of course, it had fallen beneath the the desk.
Say, just what was that list of things scribbled on the yellow legal pad
paper? Not that Skinner was interested in rough notes that pertained
to cases, but the temptation to see Mulder at work in the early
stages of a case was just so overwhelming that he decided to sneak
a peek.
Well, this was just too good to pass up, and the occasion called
for a sit down. So, Skinner read away sitting in Mulder's chair.
"Good thing I don't answer to that cigarette smoking buzzard," he
thought. "Mulder actually admitting his vices? Sure MUST have
been a slow day."
As he read the heading, he started to chuckle.
"WILD GOOSE CHASES...Hmm. A couple of those lead to the
discovery of federal offences we would never have known were
happening. I'll admit that. Still, some of those 'sources' were not
what I'd call... Okay, so thereare people out there who are a bit off
The headings were what he was most interested in at first. Perhaps
the explanation could wait until he went through Mulder's
confessed bad habits.
"PARANORMAL INVESTIGATIONS ... that's what we pay him for. 'They'
thought he would be too busy going after flying saucers and freaks
of nature to look right around him. True. 'Powers That Be'
upstairs. We all have to answer to someone. But I think he went a
bit far with the label. Definitely giving them too much credit.
If he only knew just how... Well, they DO employ him, and I have
to answer for everything the budget pays for when he and Scully
travel. I guess I've seen some strange things in my time. One I
would rather not remember. And he did bail me out of that one."
Skinner continued to read on, riveted by the inventory Mulder had
taken on a slow day at the office. He even laughed out loud here
and there.
"UTTERING SEXUAL INNUENDO ... He what? You'd think they were sworn
enemies considering some of the arguments we've overheard. Still,
Mulder and Scully are always there for each other during a crisis.
I know he finds her attractive anyway. What's wrong with a little
good-natured kidding between friends? Still, there is... well, I
wouldn't accuse him of breaking any sexual harrassment laws. Scully
would certainly report any blatant breach of that one. She's one
strong woman."
This occasion definitely called for putting his feet up and
relaxing. Skinner even loosened his tie a bit. After all, it was
after hours.
"So he's addicted to RUNNING? Talk about guilt trips. Heck, he's
got to keep in shape. I wouldn't call it a vice. Don't I like to
go boxing? Man, this man is just full of guilt about his sister. I
hadn't realized just how long he'd been carrying that. Thank God I
got out from under Cancer Man's thumb."
"THOSE VIDEOS? He's so obsessed with work that he has to get his
ya-yas out watching XXX movies? And he's feeling guilty about that.
How many dark clouds can one man have over his head? Isn't he one
of the boys? I bet Scully found one of them, and that's why he's
admitting that one. I'd just bet he values her opinion of him
a lot more than he lets on. Hmm... I went to a call girl once,
and THAT was trouble. Come to think of it, it was paranormal
trouble. I owe him. I owe Scully."
He began to drift into the events that led to his wife's
hospitalization, and had to shake himself out of it. "It's getting
late. Still, this is an eye-opener. I think I see some of what
makes the man tick. He DITCHES Scully? To protect her? Can't
have that. Partners protect each other. I'll make a note to advise
Scully to stick closer to him. He gets hurt more often than she
does, I believe. Didn't he fall into a hole in the ground out in
Florida? Compared to that, butter on popcorn is NOT a sin. Mulder
really ought to give himself a break."
Thank goodness he was nearly at the end of the list. Skinner was
tired. "I know about the shady characters in the dark. Anyone else
would call them informants, and the price to set him on the right
track is high. If he only knew some of the things I could tell
him... But I can't. I have to look out for Mulder and his partner.
He's smart, on the right road, and some day it will all be worth it.
I can only hope it turns out that way."
Skinner carefully placed the paper under the desk where he had
found it, picked up the check that had fallen close to it, and
stood. He had a newly found respect for Mulder. In fact, he could
not understand how one man could carry so much unnecessary guilt.
No one would ever be told about this list. That was his vow. He
remembered that cleaning could soon be in the office, so he
carefully picked up the piece of paper and tucked it into the top
drawer of Mulder's desk.
As he was leaving the office, who met him in the hallway? Mulder.
'Hope he doesn't think I've been spying on him', he thought. A
wave of guilt passed through his mind.
"Sir? You're here kind of late. What's up?" Yes, there was a
note of suspicion in the Agent's voice, or at least Skinner
thought so.
"I left my phone bill here, and the cleaner let me in. I just
may make the late pick-up."
"Yeah, I remembered it was on the front of the desk all during
our little talk, but I didn't see you leave with it. Actually,
I thought I'd mail it for you, but... What? You have that same
look Scully had when I caught her pinching my sunflower seeds."
"I'm just tired, Mulder. See you tomorrow. Oh, and don't be so
hard on yourself. Give yourself a break once in a while."
"Huh? Well, okay. Have a good night." Mulder walked into the office
as Skinner made his way to the elevator. 'What was that all about?
Nah. He gave up looking around here. Now, the Kleinhan file... '
Was that a chuckle he heard in the hallway? Skinner was standing
at the elevator and, yes, he did have a smile on his face.
'Okay. I guess he IS planning a good night. Deserves it. Don't be
so hard on myself? Hmm... '