Rated: G
Category: Babyfic, Angst, Mulder POV.
Spoiler: The Erlenmeyer Flask
Feedback: patfiler2016@outlook.com
Another piece of evidence for storage in the deep freeze. A
piece of evidence. I know I'm supposed to keep a professional
distance. Date, catalogue, label and cross reference. *They're
clones and part of a bigger picture,* I tell myself. *Keep them all
under wraps until the time comes that we'll need them.*
Scully still doesn't know about them. She doesn't know that I have
been preserving this evidence little by little over the years we've
been aware of this program, and she can't know. The one cloned
fetus who made it to the age of four years was cloned from her cells,
and they found one another, by some mysterious force I'm not quite
sure even I believe in. First, she was denied adoption because of the
demands of her job. Then, Emily's health declined rapidly. She had
been genetically engineered and yet she bore such a close
resemblance to Melissa Scully, that the moment Scully met that girl,
a strong recognition made it impossible for Scully to ignore the little
girl. Her daughter.
It's been years since Emily died, and I still feel the stinging tears, and
want to scream "Why!?" I know Scully can't go a day without thinking of
her. She never says anything about the whole affair but she still wants a
child. I know she would make a wonderful mother.
When I find these small people who never made it into the world, I think
about the potential that was there. Perhaps there could have been a way
to have the viable embryos genetically repaired. I don't know the technical
term for such a feat, but whoever did this probably does.
Undo the changes and perhaps five years down the road, little Billy is
signed up for batting practice in Little League. And Renee is a flower girl
in her Aunt Mary's wedding party. Shane is seven going on forty, and wants
to become an accountant. The twins... the conjoint twins in the specially
labelled jar go on to be successfully separated and become advocates for
the ones who could not be individually wrapped in business suits or nurses'
uniforms. The ones who were saved from the slavery someone is
meticulously planning.
All the potentially successful little people in that freezer in my scientist
friend's basement are dead and preserved to act as proof and possibly
an answer to some questions I need answered soon. I have no idea
how much time we have.
I sometimes stay awake nights plagued with the guilt I carry because I
wouldn't dare tell Scully about the things I have collected in evidence. It would
awaken the rage within her that Emily had to suffer as a result of this type of
experimentation with human eggs. Some of the embryos and fetuses were
grossly unrecognizable, or malformed.
Her tears would fall relentlessly again, and then she'd be fine. Until the next
discovery. I couldn't do that to Dana Katherine Scully -- FBI Agent, doctor,
woman and mother. How do I know Cassandra Spender wasn't a mother
to many of these beings? She had become close to us. Was Jeffrey Spender
ever a father to one of them? Samantha, I know was a mother to many in terms
of her ova. I met them. Speechless, enslaved drones, with no family lives,
TV or fun and games.
As I look at this "specimen", as my friend calls it, I see all the potential in a
little child taken away.
Krycek once told me there was "a war raging". Well, if that war is to come, I
hope by then to be prepared. It just stinks that I have to use this unforgivable
waste of DNA to somehow fight it. I don't know how or where to find the
knowledge and power to do it, but I will. It's all just cloned injustice.