Title: Postcard From Fanficland IV
Rated: Generally acceptable for readers of any age.
Spoiler(s): Postcards I, II, and III
Summary: It's about time the second X-Files movie was
made, and Mulder wants to hurry the process along.
Category: Vignette, Angst.
Feedback: patfiler2016@outlook.com
Archive: Gossamer. Anyone who wants to archive this story
should ask me first. Deal? Good. I'm glad we cleared that up.
Characters in Fanficland are a hardy breed. No matter how
long their show has been canceled, or the actor who
portrayed them has been dead, they live on at every stage
of development. Many have lived on long after script
writers twisted the plots shamelessly, without regard for
the characters and their fans. The same holds true for Mulder
and Scully.
Fanficland is a great place to be. It is where they live
on in writers' minds, and exist at each age of their very
souls simultaneously. X-Files Mulder has conversations
with an 8-year-old Scully, Kersh Season 9 can tell Kersh
Season 7 he's a putz. Bill Mulder can either congratulate
C.G.B. Spender for siring Fox, or stand beside him in an
office from 50 years ago, wondering with others if their
deal would save the planet or kill them all.
Right now, 2005-and-put-on-hold Mulder has managed to print
out reams of fanfics, messages posted to forums and even
a petition to Fox Studios begging them to strike a deal with Ten
Thirteen Productions to make that second X-Files
theatrical movie. Just as he's about to hitch a ride with
a fanfic writer, 2005-and-put-on-hold Scully stops him dead
in his tracks.
"Where are you going with all that, when you know you want
to go author poking with me tonight?" It's amazing how she
can stare daggers at him and make the man stutter.
"Well, I, uh... It's funny you'd ask that... "
That stare. It strips him of all pretense. Of course
Scully knows that, because that's the way Chris Carter and
his writers created her! "I hadn't intended to go looking
for you, Mulder. You were supposed to be ready to go
well over an hour ago. What are you doing with all that
paper? In a U-Haul no less... "
Mulder placed his last load of paper into the back of the
rental and slammed the door. "Scully, isn't it about time
someone talked to Daddy Carter about the second theatrical
movie? You want that, don't you?"
"Well, yeah. Mulder, sit down."
"Okay, but I don't have long. Are you going to remove a
metallic vertebra?"
"Plaster my broken arm?"
"Oh, you mean in that fic by... no. Mulder you can't leave
Fanficland and appear on a real person's doorstep with all
that! You know the rules... " She eyed the petitions, posts
and stories and ached for Sunday nights, the days spent
being in Gillian Anderson's shoes for all those years on
the set.
"Why not? If I'm the first to actually break that one rule
and call on the guy who thought us up, who cares about the
consequences? I intend to see the great results after I
present my evidence of our continued popularity to Surfer
Boy and 20th Century Fox. You know you want it. I miss
David. You miss Gillian."
"Just how are you going to do that? Mulder, you could be
jogging in the first season one second here, then holding
William the next. Why is it so important to you to get
this done?"
"Because you know, and I know, and even the flukes and
fungi know that without a push, this might get put off so
far into the background that it disappears. I'm afraid
we might be pushed so far into the past that we won't be
seen again. Most of all, so are a lot of our fans." His
voice became stronger and very passionate. "Face it, we love that feeling of seeing people discovering us, reading
between the lines and hoping we'll get it on some day. We
love their love. They keep us alive. I don't want us to be
Scully smiled. "You know that can't happen, Mulder. We live on here forever in Fanficland. Look at Captain Kirk
Perry Mason! And how much older than us are they? Look,
if you want to do this, I can't stop you, but you did
promise to go author poking with me, and I think we ought
to get that poking routine back on track. Writers are
slowing down, Mulder, and the new ones need our encourage-
Mulder stood and opened the driver's side door of the
U-Haul. "Okay. I'll be back before you know it. This
wouldn't take that long. After I slip into Chris's subconscious
and show him these stories and petitions, I'll leave
them with him, then whisper a few choice words in his
ear, and let his subconscious mind conjure it all up to
haunt him for a few months. I promise, we can go poking
when I get back. That is, after I scare the hell out of a
few guys at Fox." Mulder kissed Scully and was off to
As Scully watched the van drive into the sunset, she smiled
and remembered what it was like showing up in X-Files
adventures every week. It was... a feeling beyond descrip-
tion. "You do it, Mulder. I'll be watching. Now, where is
that author's list for this time around?"