If anyone were to ask when I first knew, I would have to
and think about it. This isn't something that you clue
in to the instant it happens. It's a sense, a feeling
grows over time.
A human grows from egg meeting sperm, forming a viable
person in nine months. A natural
progression. Birth,
infancy, toddlerhood, childhood, adolescence and adulthood
until death are all on a continuum.
This is a good analogy
of the process I've been going through.
Was it the night he gave me the Apollo Eleven keychain for
my birthday? The cold, dark
night he found me shut in a
closet by Donnie Pfaster, I hung onto him for dear life?
Perhaps the day I regained consciousness after my abduction?
Or, was it the night we spent in
the forest when I tried to
keep him alive?
All I know is that now I am totally accustomed to Mulder.