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What we didn't hear Mulder and Scully say, and what we didn't see.

Author: Pattie

Rated: PG

Category: Missing Scene, at the end of DeadAlive.

Summary: What we didn't hear Mulder and Scully say,
and what we didn't see.

Archive: I'll take care of that. Ask if you want it,


Disclaimer: All characters mentioned and The X-Files
are the property of Chris Carter, Ten Thirteen
Productons, and Fox Studios. No money earned; I doubt
Chris Carter and team are angry with me.

Author's Note: Yes, I took a couple of lines from
DeadAlive. That was necessary to lead in to the part
we didn't see and hear. Someone at a forum wanted to
read a DeadAlive missing scene, so I swung into it
like Robin Hood through Sherwood Forest. Please, be
nice to me.


Scully did a double-take when Mulder asked who she was.
Even the gift from God inside her kicked as if to say,
"Don't scare my only link to life!" Scully's heart was
already going a mile a minute. So was her soul.

His partner had suffered for months, sick with worry and
despair after Skinner told her what had transpired in the
woods of Bellefleur. Her morning sickness and worry over
her child were nothing compared to the grieving she had
done for so many long months. She had finally believed him
dead. Now, here he was: alive. Now, she felt alive again.
Really alive. She told him sternly never to ask "Who are
you?" ever again.

Mulder wanted to know what had happened to him. It seemed
a lot of time had passed and he had no recollection of how
or why. Scully seemed... different? Her color. There
was a radiant glow that just advertised something had
happened to her to make her shine. It wasn't just her
happiness that he was seeing. Then, there was also the
fatigue and worry peering through her eyes. Scully's hair
was longer, more shiny. He remembered her, but she had
never emitted such mixed signals.

"Do you have any idea what you've been through?" she
asked, through the salty hot tears that were soaking
his hospital gown.

"Only what I see in your face." Yes, the signals
he had seen: transparent as the glass in the window. He
was the patient, and instinctively wanted to comfort her.

She ran her fingers through his hair, as if to tell him
all was right with the world now that he was going to live,
now that he was there with her. Perhaps the maternal instinct
had done this; perhaps *this* was more tender, not
surpassing a mother's love, yet equal and so different.
Scully was holding onto him for dear life, lest anything or
anyone dared to take him away. She had noticed Doggett's
presence, and had seen the look of concern and understanding
on his face as he left them alone. Scully's world was set
right. She had to wonder just how he would take the news
that new agents were sitting at his desk, in his chair,
reading his files, investigating phenomena that were
supposed to be his.

"Anybody miss me?" Mulder sarcastically quipped.

Scully kept her head on his chest. "Mom kind of wondered.
Then there was Skinner. He took it pretty bad, Mulder. He
couldn't forgive himself. Of course, you had me a little
concerned... " She tried to muster a laugh, and it came out
a nervously awkward giggle.

Mulder grew serious. He was obviously scared. Being in
the dark was bad enough, but the gravity of his situation
not having been explained was quite frightening. "What
happened to me, Scully? Whatever it is, I want to know."

"Just... just get some sleep, Mulder. You've had major
surgery." Her fingers caressed his arm, then moved to
his forehead as she lifted her head, tears still streaming
down her face like twin waterfalls. "I'll be here. Right

He was tired. "Just tell me," he insisted groggily.

"Well, let's just say you're not on the inactive list. We'll
have you first string in no time," she smiled. It was a
faint smile, and half-hearted. Scully still wondered what
was to come. "Rest. I promise to get you some Knicks
tickets... " The lilt in her voice somehow managed to cheer
her as well as Mulder.

"Scully... you look... you're glowing!" His eyelids began
to flutter.

"Yes, Mulder. About that... "

Mulder had drifted off to sleep.

"You've had a long rest already," she whispered. "You still
need to rest before I... we tell you what happened. Both to
you, me, Skinner, the X-Files. I don't know how you'll take
the news, but I'll be here. I will be here for you."

As Scully rested her head on the back of her chair, she
closed her eyes and patted her swollen abdomen. "You're
okay. Daddy's okay. Now we're all okay. For now."


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Disclaimer: All characters mentioned and The X-Files
are the property of Chris Carter, Ten Thirteen
Productons, and Fox Studios.  No money earned; I doubt
Chris Carter and team are angry with me.