Pattie's Pocketful of X-Fics

Joyously His and Hers

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After the Truth...
Beyond After...
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Author: Pattie

Rated: G

Category: MSR, A

Spoilers: None

Summary: Mulder and Scully's personality

strengths and weaknesses.

Archive: Gossamer, any other good home. Please ask.

Feedback: Warmly received and promptly responded to


Disclaimers: To quote another fic writer, "They belong

to each other". Any other ideas here are CC and Ten

Thirteen, along with the writers. Bless them all!

Money made? Heck no. Copyright infringement?


His was sunflower seeds

Hers was toffutti cones

His was the mysterious

Hers was the pragmatic

His was a tortured one

Hers full of love

His is shorts and a tee shirt

Hers is silky blue pajamas,

(tailored men's-style)

His was Samantha

Hers was Melissa

His is for The Truth

Hers is for her faith

Hs is beer

Hers is wine

His is her

Hers is him

He is her Ahab

She is his Touchstone

For the most important thing now is not their separate paths, but their

now common path, passion and mission.

And all their disagreements and philosophical differences would make

them unique individuals, spark their most exhilarating debates, and

have now brought them together.

For one looks for a person to complement them, to stimulate

them to grow.

All these things have brought them together, and now they are
