Pattie's Pocketful of X-Fics

And Then He Kissed Me

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Summary: What happened after they walked into the sunset and landed in my other post-ep.,  Then, Let's Go Home.

Title: And Then He Kissed Me

Author: Pattie

Rated: G

Category: Post-Ep., Fight The Future. Sequel to "Then, Let's Go
Home", Scully POV.

Spoiler(s): Fight The Future

Summary: What happened after they walked into the sunset and landed
in my other post-ep.

Archive: Gossamer. Anyone who wants it
needs only to ask.


Disclaimer: All things and people X-Files still belong to Chris
Carter, Ten Thirteen Productions and Fox Studios because I haven't
won the lottery yet. I make no money from these fanfics and intend
no copyright infringement.

Author's Note: Special thanks to Pippy at Mulder's Refuge for
getting me on the path to another story idea, if only indirectly!
To think it started with an article about TV's Favourite Unrequited


The evening had ended. Mulder had convinced her to let her hair
down along with him, go to Casey's to unwind and get the OPR
meeting out of their heads. Assigned to mainstream work. Under
Assistant Director Alvin Kersh. Separated from Skinner, who was
beginning to get the drift of things concerning the whole
conspiracy and everything the world wanted to know but was afraid
to hear. New strings, new puppet, same old puppeteers.

Special Agent Dana Scully, kidnapping victim for the second time,
freshly out of hospital and home again. It felt so good to be
there. It felt so good to be back with her favorite things and
familiar surroundings.

She kicked off her shoes and reached for her Journal the minute
she stepped over the threshold.

"It's been one heck of a day. I feel happy to be home, yet sad for
all the work we did that went down the drain. I feel sorry for
Mulder and me. Why? We can still be partners, but he has no drive
for the mainstream cases we're being assigned to, and now, I kind
of miss that basement office with "Spooky's Files" sticking out of
the file cabinets.

"I really believed I should go back to medicine. Well, I can
still use my training for investigative purposes. Why did I tell
the person who knew I was the only one who believed in him that I
wanted to leave the FBI? Leave him on that desert island at The
Hoover Building? The pain on his face tore me apart, and I wanted
desperately to make him feel better, and get a chance to be

personal with him just once. We missed a kiss because of a stupid
bee! Something I believed I had to do before I left him to his own
thoughts. Then, all I remember is Mulder carrying me up to
daylight, above ground, and seeing something flying into the air.
Some sort of craft that I could not understand.

"For our efforts to expose something dangerous and frightening, I
was kidnapped. experimented upon twice, and now everything we
accomplished has been for nothing. We have to pick up the pieces,
pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and get on with things.
Things? THINGS will never be the same. I will write out why this
is so.

"For all the pain Mulder has been through, I have suffered a lot
less. I have been submitted to the most invasive procedures at
the hands of godless people, lost my sister to godless people,
had my head on some cannibals' chopping block, run the gamut of
searches and chases after Mulder, and still I feel he has
suffered the most. At the age of 12, a boy loses his sister
mysteriously and feels guilty that he couldn't stop her from being
taken. He has rescued me from more dangers than the heroine
suffered in 'The Perils of Pauline'. Well, I told him I was done
with all that because The X-Files were shut down and burned down.

We were royally reamed out by the OPR for what they called our
'little summer adventure.'

"After today's meeting, Mulder and I walked off into the sunset
to a park bench and talked things over. I'm not leaving him or his
quest for what he calls 'The Truth' any longer. 'I'm finding out
it's a long road ahead, and we've chosen to stick to it', I told
him. We went to Casey's, had a nice dinner and a couple of beers.

We were two people unwinding after a long, hard day at the salt
mines who had been treated as naughty little children. But, we're
not children. The moment I had longed for in Mulder's hallway
before the bee stung me came in the parking lot outside of

"He walked me to his car because he promised to drive me home,
sparing me from having to undergo the emotional pain of treading
the grounds of the Hoover a second time in twenty-four hours.

"Besides, my car was parked at his place. He reached for his keys
and asked me, 'In my hallway, what was all that about?' I asked,

'What?' because I knew damn well what it was about, yet I was
nervous inside. Then it happened. He cupped his hands ever so
gently around my face, and then he kissed me. It was one heck of
a kiss. As he slowly pulled away, I told him, 'That's what it was

"They'll never find this Journal, never find those words and
never find our thoughts. As for our hearts, no one can ever take
those away, because the feelings live on past our deaths and
echo throughout the cosmos in a language that only feeling
people understand.

"Now, I need to get ready for bed. It's late, and tomorrow is
another workday.

"Dana Katherine Scully."

Disclaimer:  All things and people X-Files still belong to Chris
Carter, Ten Thirteen Productions and Fox Studios because I haven't
won the lottery yet. I make no money from these fanfics and intend
no copyright infringement.